Escuela Militar de Montaña


Mountain Military School “Lt. Gen. JUAN DOMINGO PERON”
8400 San Carlos de Bariloche

school homepage under construction 

Historical overview
In 1923, the Argentine Army designated the first two units of troops to be trained technically and operationally for life and mountain combat. In the region of Cuyo (Mendoza province), it was RI 16, and in the north (Jujuy Province) RI 20. These units should then add “Hunters of the Andes” to their names, which are the units that give the first steps in the mountain activity and where there are the mountain first regulations for our country as well as exercises and experiments for war in this particular environment from experience from the old continent. In 1927 Mayor EDELMIRO JULIAN FARREL took over as Head of RI 16, starting the following year the first Skiing course and Winter work in the history of Argentine mountain troops. That first Skiing Course meant the awakening of winter training that would be reflected in 1929 with the Winter Activities Program aimed to all Cuyo Military Detachment (Mendoza province), to train both officers and NCOs, who could also collaborate as instructors and subinstructors in future courses. Due to the importance of beginning to have mountain troops, in 1938 it was created the Mountain Troops Inspection Departament, under Colonel Julian Edelmiro Farrel, which would be responsible not only for overseeing all units with this specialty but also for staffing to meet such activities.
On January 31, 1964, it was decided to create Andino Instruction Detachment based in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, Rio Negro Province. In 1967, the Detachment changes its name to Andean Training School, a name which held until 1980. In November of that same year, the Institution took the name of Mountain Military School.
Finally, in 1994, it was presented a project to change the name Mountain Military School by Mountain Military School “Lt. Gen. JUAN DOMINGO PERON. Currently the M Mil S is the advanced training center in mountain activities and mountain combat techniques that the Force has. This school has the main responsibility for the planning and development of additional courses for the Army staff skills and abilities training, and the tactic conduction of specific and particular mountain fractions Other complementary courses contribute to structure a uniform and consistent training that reaches its most advanced degree in the Hunter Mountain course Among the tasks performed by the Institute include support for the adaptation course made by the Antarctic Command and support for courses made by major Andean companies, national and international, performed by civilian and personnel of the Force.
The Military Ski Team has been organized as a core in the barracks of the Mountain Military School since 1970, establishing in 1971 the first International Ski Competition against the Military Ski Team of Chile Army. This activity is the one that initiates the Performance Competence in the field of Argentine Military Skiing. In October 1982 the Military Ski Team was definitely established as an Argentine Army stable organization This element of international representation is organized by a group of deep skiers, a group of alpine skiers, a group of mountain skiers and a Biathlon Group, the most representative of military winter sports. The Army Military Ski Team has included athletes in all national sport field, and it is currently representing a tool for the Army and the Nation in winter sports.